Instagram Fun!

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After being tempted for awhile, I finally decided to jump on the Instagram bandwagon today! I’m so excited that I did! It’s a great way to connect with other teachers and take a peek into their classrooms. If that isn’t exciting enough, What The Teacher Wants and Apples and ABC’s have joined forces to throw a #teachertalktuesday party every Tuesday! Every Tuesday on Instagram, hundreds of teachers will share a picture from their school day using the hashtag #teachertalktuesday.
I’ll be sharing a picture from my school day every Tuesday.  The pictures will range from informative to funny to random!  I hope you will join me!
Follow my Instagram by clicking here or search for my username primaryjunction on your Instagram app.
This is what my profile looks like:
Some pictures on my Instagram so far:
Fun classroom photos, including this summer countdown,
sweet and tasty food photos,
& fun travel photos!
I hope you’ll join me!  It’s going to be a blast! 
If you’re on Instagram, leave your link in the comments!  I’d love to have some fun, new friends to follow! đŸ™‚