2012 Bloggy Best and Brightest Linky

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Another year has come and gone.  It’s kind of hard to believe 2012 is over, but I’m very excited to see 2013 arrive.  I have great prospects for this year and am looking forward to seeing them come to fruition.  I started this blog in 2011, but 2012 has truly been the year that made this blog.  What has come out of my blogging has been beyond my wildest imagination!  Connecting with other teachers, sharing ideas with them, and learning from them has changed my life.  I am such a better teacher because of it, and I want to take the time to say “thank you” to the fabulous teachers who blog and share their ideas and to all of you for reading my posts, believing in and supporting my lessons/ideas, and using my creations in your classroom.  It means more than you could possibly know!

Although it is 2013, I want to take a quick look back at my most popular posts from 2012.  Christina Bainbridge from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge is having a linky party for 2012 posts, and I am joining in!



Top 3 Posts of 2012:

I’m so glad this packet of parent handouts has been so well-received.  I’m proud of the way they turned out and that so many parents are using them a resource to help their children.

This is the little post that just keeps on! If you can’t tell by the graphic, this ‘Great Websites for Kids’ post was one of my very first.  As a teacher, I love incorporating technology into my classroom, and I’m so glad other teachers and parents have been able to use this list.

I never know which posts are going to be useful to others, but this post about a Hundred Board Freebie Packet has been popular.  I’m so glad others have found it useful.
Products I Created:

It’s impossible for me to pick an absolute favorite, so I’m choosing my top 3.  My Christmas Around the World Unit is something I am very proud of.  It is one of my favorite units to teach, and I am so glad I was able to put together a unit to go along with it.

President’s Day is another unit I absolutely love to teach.  It’s such an honor to know other teachers and students have used this unit in their classrooms.  I love sharing my love of history!

As is the theme with all of these products, Dental Health is another favorite unit of mine to teach.  It may be because it is so hands-on.  I love how this unit turned out.  It’s full of lessons, activities, crafts, and centers!
Each unit is on sale for 20% off TODAY ONLY!


Teacher Blogger Friends:

I want to give a special shout-out to Vicky from

Traditions, Laughter, and Happily Ever After

.  Thanks for your friendship and support! đŸ™‚


Finally, in 2013, my goal is to blog and share more.  Although I get into a posting habit every now and then, I seem to always get distracted by something else, and I don’t post as frequently as I would like to.  During my break, I’ve been creating new units and updating older ones.  I hope to have those finished shortly!  In the meantime, here is a free Happy New Year fluency sheet with comprehension questions! 


Thank you again for all of your support.  I hope you have a wonderful New Year in 2013!  Happy New Year!